Travel in later years, Market update & Hello to our new team member.
Market update
Inflation continues to be a major concern for markets. With the end of February 2023 in sight, this month brought a reversal of the gains of January. Good economic news on employment, GDP growth, continued consumer spending has overshadowed increasing layoffs concentrated in technology, continuing increases in wholesale prices as well as the still high consumer price inflation numbers lead markets to lean towards more Federal Reserve rate increases for longer with higher terminal rates than markets thought in January. The reality is markets are more likely to decline as long as the Federal Reserve is likely to increase rates. Don’t fight the Fed.
The markets are data dependent. Every week markets hang on bits and pieces-previous Fed meeting minutes, wholesale and retail price increases, manufacturing numbers, GDP numbers, consumer spending, new jobs numbers, and other dribs and drabs. And we can’t forget corporate earnings numbers. Earnings numbers are generally expected to exceed analysts' predictions and historically markets look at trends.
Are corporate earning exceeding analysts' predictions by more, less, or the same as historically. S&P 500 companies are reporting smaller earnings surprises for the 7th straight quarter. Bottom line, stock prices are dependent on earnings. The higher prevailing interest rates the higher corporate earnings have to be to maintain stock valuations. The risk for near term market declines is greater than market gains but that could change anytime. Market timing does not work consistently.
Tomorrow, February 24 is the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It is a terrible situation with a likely continued stalemate for the foreseeable future. It was a black swan event that is of secondary concern to markets but a primary concern for geopolitical concerns and another attempt to circumvent democratic governments with a struggle between autocracy and democracy.
Travel in your 60’s plus
“I have been to over 75 countries. My top recommendations for people in their 60’s is to do trips that are a bit more active (I am in the age group myself). Do those now while you are still in good health. Anyone, at a late age, can sit in a café in Paris (for example) and enjoy the world passing by. Or take a river cruise through Europe. Climbing in and out of a Safari jeep may become a challenge later in life. For many people in their 60’s the kids are out of college and now’s the time to travel, while you still have good health and the finances to fund it. “-Sandy Lipkowitz founder of We Make Travel Easy
We wanted to take the opportunity to introduce everyone to our newest member of the SAS team - Zay Greenwald. Zay's role in SAS is behind the virtual curtains in all aspects of client coordination and operations.
I consider myself a Jill of all trades, since a young child I always prided myself on customer service even at the age of 12 selling raviolis at the farmers market for a local grandmother who couldn't make it to the markets herself at the same time catering to my entrepreneurial heart starting my own dog sitting business in my apartment complex.
I lead my education in San Francisco, majoring in Art, only to realize that my future was not meant to be in the urban environment - I craved the outdoors which led me to experiencing life in Grass Valley and teaching myself all things homesteading in parallel becoming a realtor all while helping launch & design local restaurants and growing our family. In every aspect of my both personal and professional careers, I feel the most pride in being a shepherd, facilitating connections and positive end results.
My husband and I with our three kids made a leap in an idea of becoming homesteaders while also being able to grow in our “mainstream” careers so we uprooted from our heart state of California and moved to Oklahoma to pursue small land farming, with goats, chickens and gardens. My passion for husbandry in animals is relatable to my need to achieve ultimate fluidity between client and advisor, to maintain a steady environment for growth and assuring health of all facets of the business.
I have always garnished accolades in customer care, and it doesn't stop here, with every step of learning more about the financial services realm gives me the capacity to be better at my duties to serve both clients and advisors and I am honored to be a part of this amazing, passionate team here at SAS.
Weekly Catch-Up - News Articles That Caught Our Eye
- 10 pieces of sage life advice you need to hear right now : NPR
- Barron’s Best Fund Families | Barron's (barrons.com)
- More auto payments are late, exposing cracks in consumer credit | Fox Business
- Child psychologist shares 5 signs you've raised a 'highly spoiled' kid—and how parents can 'undo' it (cnbc.com)
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