The Zen of Savings July 17th - August 27th (Free Online Course)

Exclusively Online Course
July 16, 2017 to August 26, 2017

The Course - The Zen of Saving

This free course is offered exclusively online from July 17 - August 27, 2017

Whether you've had experience managing your money or you are just getting started, this course will help you gain control of your finances. Spend only 1-2 hours each week to take steps to improve your financial literacy and increase your savings.

The Zen of Saving course is about the concept of cash flow, the foundation of personal financial planning. This is the best place to start to get control over your finances. This course is a minimum requirement for future topics exploring personal financial planning--sign up and stay tuned for more to come!

Through your active participation in this course, you will:

1. Understand your cash flow

  • Income
  • Spending
  • Debt
  • Saving

2. Determine your Money Persona

3. Develop a mindset to take control of your budget

4. Create a savings plan

5. Start saving money

6. Collaborate with teammates


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More Information

Week 0: Orientation (July 17-23)

Week 1: Getting to Know Your Spending (July 24 - 30)

Week 2: Cashflow and Team Formation (July 31 - Aug 6)

Week 3: Team Case Study (Aug 7 - 13)

Week 4: Identifying Savings Opportunities (Aug 14 - 20)

Week 5: Team Savings Challenge (Aug 21 - 27)


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